Featured Coding Projects

Dictionary Project

The Dictionary Project shows the definition, meaning, any synonyms of most english words.

Tools used: React.js, HTML, CSS, Free Dictionary API

Weather Project
World Clock Project
World Clock Project

The World Clock Project shows the current date and time for the users location, as well as some other chosen cities.

Tools used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, moment.js

Weather Project

The Weather Project shows the weather of the chosen location, giving additional information (i.e. humidty, etc.) as well as a five-day forecast.

Tools used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, OpenWeatherMap API

Vanilla JS:

Weather Project
Dyson Sphere Landing Page
Dyson Sphere Page

This is a static page I built to showcase a Dyson Sphere (which is one of my favotire things ever).

Tools used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Steelband Page

This is a static page I built to talk about one of my longest-running hobbies - playing steeldrum.

Tools used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Steelband Landing Page